Monday, April 13, 2015

Meet Macbeth

Macbeth is introduced by the witches, who see him as brave and strong. This could be an implication that Macbeth will do whatever it takes to become King, but it also can foreshadow the idea that it was presented by a witch, meaning there could be evil deeds behind it. Macbeth is seen as heroic when he enters the story because he had just defeated the traitors, but he also is shocked to find out that he is the thane of Cawdor. This could be a front to show that he respects the title, when in reality he was power thirsty to have that title. The witches foreshadow that Macbeth and Banquo will have power, but that Banquo will always be inferior to Macbeth. This could possible create a rivalry between the men or one of the men could turn evil in order to withhold the power. Shakespeare starts each act with a setting, which helps the reader to picture where the play is and some background. Also the witches play a key role in describing the characters and giving hints as to what will happen without giving the entire thing away. The witches not only foreshadow, but also help introduce the characters with indirect characterization. Shakespeare's tone towards Macbeth is honorable because all of the characters seem him as a respectable person, but I believe that this is all an act and the evil in Macbeth will soon prevail. The author presents Macbeth as a questionable, yet favorable character. Macbeth seems like a character who desires power and will do anything to be superior to others, even if they are his friends, which may lead the plot into Macbeth attempting to get the King's throne.

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