1. Accoutrements (noun) - personal clothing, accessories, etc.
Her accoutrements were noticeable with their flash and style, matching every color she wore.
2. Apogee (noun) - the highest or most distant point, climax
The apogee of the night occurred when Stevie knelt down and proposed to his girlfriend.
3. Apropos (adverb) - fitting; at the right time; to the purpose; opportunely.
It was apropos that the family smiled when the bride said I do and cried of joy.
4. Bicker (verb) - to engage in petulant or peevish argument; wrangle
The siblings bickered at each other over who would get the TV for the night.
5. Coalesce (verb) - to grow together or into one body
The couple was so united that they became coalesce within a short period of time.
6. Contretemps (noun) - an unexpected and unfortunate occurrence.
The performance was contretemps when the ballerina slipped and fell in front of the audience.
7. Convolution (noun) - a twisted mess that causes confusion along the way.
The project assigned by the teacher had been so convoluted that the students did not know where to start.
8. Cull (verb) - to choose; select; pick.
The teacher had to cull the best student to compete for the scholarship.
9. Disparate (adjective) - to take two very opposite things and put them together
The teenager chose to have a disparate room when she picked black and white paint for her walls.
10. Dogmatic (adjective) - of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a dogma or dogmas; doctrinal.
The candidate for governor was dogmatic in his speech regarding his promises after election.
11. Licentious (adjective) - sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd. More general term going against morals.
When the soldier returned home to his wife, they were licentious and captured by the moment.
12. Mete (verb) - to distribute or apportion by measure; allot; dole (usually followed by out)
The single mother of the poverty stricken family mete out food accordingly.
13. Noxious (adjective) - harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being
The noxious, drunk man continued to destroy his liver by consuming too much alcohol.
14. Polemic (noun) - a controversial argument, as one against some opinion, doctrine, etc.
The polemic that ran for president disagreed with all of the views of the Senate.
15. Populous (adjective)- full of residents or inhabitants, as a region; heavily populated.
The populous city had many issues due to pollution and over-crowding.
16. Probity (noun) - integrity and uprightness; honesty.
The pastor of the church exhibited probity in dealing with his congregation.
17. Repartee (noun) - a quick, witty reply.
The Comic book withheld multiple repartees to the reader's thoughts.
18. Supervene (verb) -to take place or occur as something additional or extraneous
(sometimes followed by on or upon). "occur after an event in such a way so as to change it"
After the graduation, the teachers made supervene efforts with their graduating students.
19. Truncate (verb) - to shorten by cutting off a part; cut short
While reading the story, the librarian truncated the book due to lack of time.
20. Unimpeachable (adjective) - above suspicion; impossible to discredit; impeccable
The unimpeachable speaker captivated his audience with his words.
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